Obsessive Beliefs Questionnaire (OBQ)

Steketee & Frost, (2001)


1) Overestimation of threat.

2) Tolerance of uncertainty.

3) Importance of thoughts.

4) Control of thoughts.

5) Responsibility.

6) Perfectionism.

Cronbachs alpha for those with OCD and control samples were between .80 and .96— Obsessive Compulsive Cognitions Working Group, 2001.

The multivariate effect was significant, Wilks’ Lambda = .039, F(30, 1806) = 75.28, p < .05. Univariate analyses were then conducted for each subscale. All of these one-way ANOVAs were also significant. Follow up Student-Newman-Keuls tests showed that the OCD group scored significantly higher than the other four groups in all cases with one exception: OCDs did not score higher than anxious controls on Perfectionism. Student controls scored higher than all community controls on Overestimation of Threat, and higher than Greek community controls on Responsibility. These results support the known groups validity of the scales by distinguishing people who have OCD from those who do not—Sica, Coradeschi, Sanavio, Dorz, Manchisi & Novara (2004).

The Vancouver Obsessional- Compulsive Inventory (VOCI)

Thordarson, Radomsky, Rachman, Shafran, Sawchuk & Hakstian, 2004.


1. Contamination

2. Checking

3. Obsessions

4. Hoarding

5. Just Right

6. Indecisiveness

Scores of the VOCI and its subscales demonstrated acceptable to excellent internal consistency (.81 ≤ α ≤ .95) —Gönner, Ecker, Leonhart, & Limbacher 2010b. The VOCI and its subscales appear to have excellent test-retest reliability in the OCD sample, with all coefficients .9 or above, and with the one-sided .95 confidence interval >.81 in all cases, despite, on average, a long test-retest interval. For the students, on the other hand, test-retest reliability is poor, ranging from .5 to .6. In the student sample, these low correlations may be due to range restriction. Most of the students had mean VOCI item scores between 0 and 1, with the exception of four participants, who appeared to be bivariate outliers. Excluding the four outliers improved the test-retest correlations for some scales (e.g., VOCI total, r = .62, p < .001), but not others (e.g., VOCI Checking, r = .44). —Thordarson, Radomsky, Rachman, Shafran, Sawchuk & Hakstian, 2004.

The OCD group scored significantly higher than the other groups on the VOCI total score, Contamination, Checking, Just Right, and Indecisiveness subscales.

The OCD group scored significantly higher than the non-clinical controls but not the A/D control group on the Obsessions and Hoarding subscales—Thordarson, Radomsky, Rachman, Shafran, Sawchuk & Hakstian, 2004.

Convergent and discriminant validity: OCD sample—Total score highly correlated with other multidimensional self-report measures of OCD and moderately correlated with measures of anxiety, depression and worry. Convergent and discriminant validity were excellent for the Contamination and Checking subscales, but weaker for Obsessions. Discriminant validity of Hoarding was excellent, while its convergent validity was not examined—Gönner, Ecker, Leonhart, & Limbacher, 2010