
Course (Source)

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Textual Genre

The academic genres (academic summary, review, article, testing etc.), in general, constitute a challenge for the good performance of textual production and are considered the main problem.

Lack of knowledge of what is an academic genre.

Ignorance in relation to genre for the final assignment, including use of inadequate linguistic variants.

Selection of Information

The students often do not have skills such as selecting information in the text, associating this information and to classifying it as theme, issue, thesis and arguments or counter-arguments.

Lack of vocabulary

Lack of reading, which is evident in the absence of appropriate vocabulary.

The students do not know how to justify their affirmations based on references and use common sense.

The students present recurrent orality marks in the written text and difficulty with expression in the written text.

Aspects of spelling and accentuation

The students almost do not present problems related to surface issues of the text, such as spelling and accent.

Spelling aspects: incorrect writing, segmentation and junction in inappropriate words and errors with accentuation.

In relation to the spelling aspects, the documents analyzed present an index of 10.29% of score, 17.71% of spelling and 13.71% accent. There were problems with spelling and, with regards to the use of the score conventions, the students demonstrate that this standardization of written language was not assimilated, as in most of the texts the score was used improperly.

Textual Organization

Deeper issues, such as the organization of periods, cohesion and score, for example, may appear more frequently in the production of these students.

The students do not have the understanding that the meaning of a part of the text does not stand alone, but depends on other parties, to which it is related.

The use of different people in the speech.

Lack of coherence, seeing as ideas are not complete, causing a “break” in the line of reasoning. Most of the studies analyzed presented a deficiency with regards to textual cohesion. It is evident that this occurs because there is no use of connectors and/or appropriate prepositions to assist in the understanding of the text.

The social conventions of writing were not followed in relation to verbal cohesion and nominal and verbal combination.