1st course

Artistic expression

2nd course

Graphic design and communication

3rd course

Corporate identity

Number of registered students




Number of surveyed students




Size roles groups

10 groups of about 8 students.

8 groups between 8 and 16 individuals

8 groups of 5 individuals


The methodology has been applied in all the theory classes

4 classes of 2 hours + presentation of results

4 classes of 2 hours + presentation of results

Time spent

15 minutes per lesson

4 × 15 minutes + 90 minutes of presentation and evaluation of results

4 × 15 minutes + 90 minutes of presentation and evaluation of results

Roles rotation

All groups have rotated through the 5 roles throughout the semester

During the four classes the groups were rotating between red, green, orange and white roles and in the presentation class all have participated in the blue role

During the four classes the groups were rotating between red, green, orange and white roles and in the presentation class all have participated in the blue role

Tasks assigned to different roles

Red-to detect difficulties

Green-to identify contributions

Orange-to propose activities

White-to mediate

Blue-to evaluate peers

Red-to detect difficulties

Green-to identify contributions

Orange-to propose activities

White-to mediate and to propose the questions for the exam Blue-to evaluate peers and self assessment

Red-to detect difficulties

Green-to identify contributions

Orange-to propose activities

White-to mediate and to propose the questions for the exam

Blue-to evaluate peers and self assessment

Motivation for students

-They solve doubts.

-They develop skills.

-They release 5% of the subject

-They propose questions for the exam

-they have review class to re understand issues that have presented greater difficulty

-They release 5% of the subject

-They propose questions for the exam

-they have review class to re understand issues that have presented greater difficulty


In the final dossier of work performed.

Through panels and verbal defense in class

Through digital media and verbal defense in class


Made only by the teacher

50% student assessment + 50% teacher assessment

20% student assessment + 80% teacher assessment


Up to 15% of the final grade for the course. Final average rating 6.8

5% of the course grade, Final average grade 7.6

9.4 representing 5% of the subject