Wind Farm Type

Areas Suitable

Areas Unsuitable

Large size

- planned production areas: without prejudice to safety distances set by legislation and to acoustic compatibility: along the main entrance roads, the internal distribution roads, in areas with urban standards;

- farmland near industrial areas: while maintaining the agricultural use of the land. The plant design in this case must relate to the signs of the agricultural landscape (roads, walls, divisions between farms);

- areas close to mining basins: according to the standards.

Medium size

- planned production areas: without prejudice to safety distances set by legislation and to acoustic compatibility: along the main entrance roads, the internal distribution roads, in areas with urnan standards;

- farmland near industrial areas: while maintaining the agricultural use of the land. The plant design in this case must relate to the signs of the agricultural landscape (roads, walls, divisions between farms);

- areas close to mining basins: according to the standards;

- agricultural areas;

- areas classified as rural populated and urbanized.

- SIC areas (Site of Community Importance), SIN areas (Site of National Importance) and SIR areas (Site of Regional Importance), National and Regional nature reserves, National and Regional nature parks, Important Bird Areas, Ramsar Wetlands, Public waterways land their buffer zones (standards of AdB, the River Basin Authority), Italian Law 1497/39;

- Architectural constraints (Italian Law 1089), Archaeological areas, other standards for landscape, provision from the Chart of monumental heritage: distance buffer more than 500 m;

- Coastal zone and lakes (with the exception of industrial and port areas): distance buffer more than 2 km;

- Areas with a slope greater than 20%;

- Areas with Geomorphic vulnerability (as defined by AdB);

- Hydrographic areas, erosive furrows, sinkholes and ravines (AdB);

- Natural areas (forests and maquis shrubland, wetlands, and grazing lands): distance buffer more than 500 m;

- Roads with landscape relevance: distance buffer more than 200 m;

- Urban centres (with the exception of production areas): distance buffer more than 1 km.


- on the ground;

- on the roof of buildings.

- Special Areas of Conservation (ZSC) and Special Protection Areas (ZPS);

- Architectural constraints (Italian Law 1089), Archaeological areas, other standards for landscape, provision from the Chart of monumental heritage: distance buffer more than 500 m;

- Coastal zone and lakes (with the exception of industrial and port areas): distance buffer more than 300 m;

- Areas with a slope greater than 20%;

- Natural areas (forests, wetlands).


- on the ground;

- on the roof of buildings.

- Special Areas of Conservation (ZSC) and Special Protection Areas (ZPS);

- Architectural constraints (Italian Law 1089), Archaeological areas, other standards for landscape, provision from the Chart of monumental heritage: distance buffer more than 500 m;

- Coastal zone and lakes (with the exception of industrial and port areas): distance buffer more than 300 m;

- Natural areas (forests, wetlands).