
Item 1

Relationship behavior of children

Item 2

Treatment by family

Item 3

Inclusion in school activities

Item 4

Relationship with the able children

Item 5

Level of acceptance by able children: 100%

Item 6

Counseling unit

1. Physical disability: 2 Respondents (2Rs)

When asked on their relationship behavior, it was stated that they were well behaved. For example:

R1 & R2: “well behaved”

When asked on whether they are bullied, the response was negative: “No”

When asked whether they feel lonely, the response was negative: “No”

When asked if there are complaints of poor treatments from family, the response was on affirmative, for example:

R1 & R2: “Yes”

When asked whether they were included in school activities, the response was positive. For example:

R1: “Through social gathering in school”.

R2: “Through cleared environment”

When asked if they relate well with able children, both responded in the affirmative

When asked to rate their level of acceptance by able children, the evidence was 60%. For example:

R1 & R2: 60%

When asked on the availability of counseling unit, they responded in the affirmative. Examples:

R1 & R2: “Yes”

2. The Blind: 19 Respondents (19Rs)

When asked on their relationship behavior, 14Rs all said that they are very friendly. Example:

R7: “They accommodate, interact, very friendly with those close”

When asked whether they feel lonely, the response among majority of them (14Rs) was positive. Example:

R1: “Yes, when nobody relate with them.”

When asked on whether they are bullied, majority responded negatively. For example: 14Rs: “No”

However 1 respondent said yes:

1R: “Yes …It brings inferiority to the children”

When asked if there are complaints of poor treatments from family, the response was affirmative: Example:

15Rs: “Yes”

14Rs said they are included in school activities. Example:

R3: “By participating in quiz and social activities”

R4: “By participating in social gathering”

When asked if they relate well with able children, 15Rs were on the affirmative. Example:

15Rs: “Yes”

8Rs: 50%

5Rs: 60%

2Rs: 80%

When asked on the availability of counseling unit, the responses were as follows:

12Rs: “No”

3Rs: “Yes”

When asked what they thought about a need for one, their responses were as follows:

3Rs: Yes

12Rs: No

3. Deaf: 8 Respondents (8Rs)

When asked if they were of good behavior, all 8Rs said they are of good behavior.

When asked if they feel lonely, Rs said: “No”, however 2Rs said sometimes, for example: “Sometimes”

When asked if they are bullied, 2Rs said yes, for example: “Sometimes …children natural way…

However 4 respondents disagreed. For example:

4Rs: “Nill”

When asked if there are complaints of poor treatments from family, all 8Rs were affirmative: Example:

R3: “Maltreatment”

R7::Marginalized and stigmatized”

All 8Rs said they are included in activities. Example:

R5: “By educate them and activities participation”.

When asked if they relate well with able children, all 8Rs were affirmative. Example:

8Rs: “Yes”

3Rs: 50%

1R: 75%

1Rs: 70%

2Rs: 20%

1R: 60%

When asked on the availability of counseling unit, the responses were as follows:

8Rs: “No”

4Rs said there is need for one.