

How challenges are met

1. Physical disability: 2 Respondents (2Rs)

2Rs stated they have challenges with teaching materials, walking aids, calipers and with number of teachers. They also stated that they have challenges with accessing their classrooms: R1: “ inaccessibility of classroom”

Their challenges are been met through the assistance of the state government and philanthropist, for example:

R1: “Through government and philanthropist…”

R2: Through government initiative”

2. The Blind: 19 Respondents (19Rs)

The 19Rs stated that their challenges are on the areas of their visual impairment and special educational resources needed to access information. Example: R13: “Provision of instructional materials for their education”

Their challenges are been handled partially. They are been met by the assistance of the state government, the students’ parents and by the disabled ability to learn mobility skills and use of Braille. Examples:

R1: “Through the government”

R2: “It is been provided by the parents, government”

R4: “They are introduced to Braille reading, typing, and mobility skills”

3. Deaf: 8 Respondents (8Rs)

8Rs stated that their challenges are in the areas of educational materials especially English language and Mathematics. Examples: R3: “More textbooks, likely English language, Mathematics etc.”. R4: “More textbooks, likely mathematics, biology, English language…” R1: “Educational and learning experience”

When asked on how the needs have been met, these were their responses:

Rs1 - 4: “Partially addressed”; Rs5 & 6: “Some have not received”