
Item 1

The materials required for learning

Item 2

Materials available for learning

Item 3

Availability of libraries for learning

Item 4

Study assistance

Item 5

Means to access information on school environment

Item 6

Availability of ramps

1. Physically disabled (2 respondents)

In response to this, both respondents agreed that calipers, textbooks, wheelchairs were required for their learning. For example:

R1: “Callipers, textbooks, wheelchairs, pen etc.”

In response to this, it was shown that the materials required for learning were available except calipers which were few in number. For instance:

R1: “textbooks, few caliper and wheelchairs”

R2: “textbooks”

When they were asked if libraries were available, the response was on the negative. For instance:

R1: “No”

R2: “No”

In response to assistance in their studies, it was shown that they receive assistance. For instance:

R1: “Through the aid of teachers & staff members”

R2: “Through the assistance of their able child”

In response to how they move around to access information in the school environment, it was shown that crutches and the help of their able teachers assist them in learning. For instance:

R1: “By wheeling … crutches”

R2: “Supporting by able staff”

R1 & R2: “Yes”

2. The blind (19 respondents)

Braille machine (15Rs), Braille sheet (10R), typing sheet (10Rs), typewriter (11Rs) computer system (10Rs), Braille textbook (1R), tailor frame ((1), abacus (1), talking calculator (1), talking wristwatch (1), chairs (1R), Scanner (14Rs), tables (1R) Landscaping of school environment (1R), writing frame (1R), Stilus (1R), writing materials (1R), mobility materials (1R), Materials for teaching mathematics (1R), recording materials (1R)

19Rs: Writing frame (11Rs), typewriters (7Rs), braille sheet (1R), braille machine (6Rs), slate (1R), stilus (7Rs), writing frame (7Rs), faulty Braille machine (5Rs), few braille papers (5Rs)

1R: “Braille sheet (please note, they are not enough”

14Rs: “Yes”

1R: “No”

On the state of the library, the following are the responses:

“Sorry state” (2Rs), “Very poor”1R), “No facilities e.g. table, chair” computer”.

10Rs stated that there were no facilities and ICT

“By listening to note given (3Rs)”,

7Rs said they study well: “they study very well”.

“under the supervision of their teachers” (4Rs)

“Through orientation, mobility training” (5Rs), “Through mobility with cane guide” (2Rs).

5Rs stated that teachers assist them to get information on their environment. 9Rs stated that it is through mobility training.

“…with cane guide, sighted guide” (1R)

“By listening to radio & phone” (1R)

15Rs: “No”

1R: “Yes”

3. The deaf (8 respondents)

Computers (5Rs), more vacation (2Rs), table (4rs), Projectors ((2Rs), Internet (1R), Personal teacher (2Rs), chalk (4Rs), textbooks (4Rs), hearing aids (2Rs), Financial resource (2Rs)

Table & desk (2Rs), Chairs (2Rs), books (2Rs), textbooks (2Rs), Few teachers (2Rs).

“No” (8Rs)

“Yes” (none)

On the state of the library, the following are the responses:

“Poorly, none availability of resources” (2Rs)

“Only its located in an integrated school” (2Rs)

“Teacher guide them” (6Rs),

“They are taught with rudiment of learning” (2Rs)

“Through their teachers” (4Rs), “Poorly” (2Rs)

All 8Rs said there were no ramps.

They walk: “Some walk by themselves” (6Rs)