
Commodities found contaminated

Affected species

Pathological effects

Aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2, M1, M2)

Peanuts, corn, wheat, maize, cottonseed, nuts, various food, milk, eggs, cheese, figs

Birds(Duckling, turkey, chicken, Mammals (cattle, sheep, lab animals) fish)

hepatoxicity, bile duct hyperplasia, hemorrhage, intestiinal track, kidneys, carcinogenesis (liver tumors)


Cereal grains (wheat, barley, corn) dry beans, cheese, coffee, dried fruits, grapes, wine

Chicken, duckling, rat, human

Nephrotoxicity (tubular nephrosis of kidney), porcine nephrogalthy, mild liver damage, teratogenesis, carcinogenesis (Kidney tumors), urinary tract tumors


Corn, polenta

Horse, rat, mouse, humans

Pumonary edema, Leukoencephalomalacia, nephrotoxicity, hepatoxicity


corn, moldy hay, elletted commercial feed

Dairy cttle, chicken, turkey, lamb, rat, mouse

Estrogenic effects (Edema of vulva prolapse of vagine),enlargement of uterus, atrophy of testicles, trophy of ovaries, enlargement of mammary glands, abortion