





knowledge support

1. Experts in my team give valuable suggestions when approached

2. Experts in my team are open to new ideas proposed even by a novice

3. When I seek knowledge, team members encourage me

4. New ways of solving problems are enthusiastically accepted in my team

5. My team members do not hesitate in seeking help from experts in other teams

D2-Knowledge Sharing

6. My team members regularly update information on the intranet (share drive, knowledge portals)

7. My team members regularly use information from the intranet (share drive, knowledge portals) Information available on intranet (share drive, knowledge portals) is well organized

8. Knowledge of my team processes is known to many team members

9. If a person of my team leaves, knowledge of my team processes is not lost

D3-Knowledge Retention

10. When a team member develops some know-how, it is shared in the team

11. My team members willingly share knowledge

12. My team members do not hide knowledge to themselves

13. My team members share information on problem-solving strategies that have worked well

14. My team helps me understand knowledge embedded in work processes

15. The team clearly discusses the project details when a new project is initiated

16. My team is able to optimally utilize competencies of its individual members

17. We have regular meetings where people share their knowledge

D4-Knowledge Creation

18. My team members take initiative to develop new knowledge

19. My team actively spends resources (time, effort) in acquiring new knowledge

20. My team members are aware of latest developments in their field

21. My team implements best practices adopted from outside the team

22. My team members develop knowledge keeping in mind a long-term perspective

23. My team continuously rethinks about its work processes

24. My superiors are appreciative of my team members’ effort to create new knowledge

25. My team members show interest in solving challenging problems

26. My team members search outside the team (Internet, books, friends, etc.) for efficient work processes

27. Extraction method: principal axis factoring