Variable (abbreviation)

Assembly facility (AF)

Number of assembly facilities within 50 m

Continuous variables

Mercantile facility (MF)

Number of mercantile facilities within 50 m

Business facility (BF)

Number of business facilities(including lobby) within 50 m

Total floor area (TFA)

Total floor area of the host building of POPS (m2)

Area of POPS (AREA)

Area of privately owned public space (m2)

Seating (SEAT)

Length of all seating combined (cm)

Configuration (CONFIG)

Location of POPS relative to the host building’s entrance

Binary variable:

Front/corner = 1 (more accessible)

Side/rear = 0 (less accessible)

Accessible sides (SIDE)

The number of roads or sidewalks open

to and accessible from the public space

Ranges from 1 to 3

Level difference (LEVEL)

Vertical difference between public space and adjacent public access (cm)

Continuous variable

Metro station (METRO)

Existence of metro station within 50 m (one minute walking distance)

Binary variables:

Yes = 1

No = 0

Bus stop (BUS)

Existence of bus stop within 50 m (one minute walking distance)

Crosswalk (CROSS)*

Existence of crosswalk within 20 m (distance close enough to reach crosswalk as the traffic light changes)

Weekday user count

The number of all POPS users observed over the course of one weekday

Continuous variables

Weekend user count

The number of all POPS users observed over the course of one weekend day