
Project and Partners

Investment Value

Fallouts Expected


Kribi Energy Centre (Gas factory)-Bipaga (Parenco, Rio Tinto Alcan Group, SNH ), America, Canada Sweden,

90 billion FCFA phase 1

2000 jobs

Petrol Exploitation and refining (Total EMP /SNH) 2009

10,000 billions

60,000 barrels/day

Kribi Aluminium factory (Rio Tinto Alcan Group) phase 1, July 29/2009

2500 billion FCFA

Capacity 930 mw > 30,000 jobs

Kribi-Edea Railway, Highway, Sea port development

Mbalam Iron Ore Mining (Cameroon Iron SA and the Australian Sundance Resource limited ( ASX ))

12 billion FCFA

(research works)

800 million - 1 billion tons

Mbalam-Kribi Railway and Highway, Aerodrome maintenance

Mamelles Iron ore Exploration (SteelCam, S.A and Swiss Banks)

250 millions EU

300 direct jobs and 600 indirect

Port development, Schools, roads, hospitals, mine installations, energy

Lolodorf Uranium Exploration and valorisation (NU Energy Corporation Cameroon)


Road Maintenance, District Hospital equipment, 40 jobs,

Deep seaport Complex (4 Ports)

12 billion (research)

>4000 jobs, promote tourism, fishing, mining,

Chad-Cameroon Pipeline (COTCO) 12/06/2004

30 billion FCFA

Water supply, schools, floods control works, road maintenance

Kribi Power Development at Mpolougue

Corporation (KPDC) 07/2009

135 billion FCFA



Gas factory by America



Deep seaport complex at Sokolo, 10/1995

$ US 350 billion Phase 1

5000 jobs

Heavy Fuel Oil Thermal Plant ( AES -SONEL Corp.)


85 mw

Fishing Industry (China)

35 billion FCFA

Fish production, job creation

Cement factory ( AFCO South Korea) at Ngeme


600,000 tons/year, Jobs

National Refinery Company (SONARA), 12/1976

17.8 billion F CFA

5 million tons/year (Petroleum)

Naval Shipyard (CNIC) at Limbolah. Partners (BDEAC, ADB,IDB and Netherlands) , 1998-phase 1


4750 jobs

Football Stadium, 10/2009 (40 months completion)

15 billion FCFA

Jobs, Entertainment (15,000 capacity)