


Managers in this firm feel that achievements are appreciated

I believe that this firm offers a supportive for e-SCM environment

Most of the employee in this firm trust our manager

I believe my manager always behaves in good will

I believe that my employees sees the managers as responsible beings and does not need to control them


Expected outcomes of the project are communicated to managers.

Expected outcomes of the project are communicated to workers.

Expected outcomes of the project are communicated by top management in advance.

Expected outcomes of the project are shared by workers

Expected outcomes of the project are shared among workers across department

Usage of e-SCM

Extent to which web applications are used in supplier selection (getting quotes, bids, etc.)

Extent to which web applications are used in purchase order processing

Extent to which web applications are used in procurement from suppliers (distribution, warehouse, logistics, etc.)

Extent to which web applications are used in invoicing and payment processing

Extent to which web applications are used in demand management (procurement analysis)

Firm Performance

Perceived, realized benefits from web-technology improved customer service

Perceived, realized benefits from web-technology better inventory control

Perceived, realized benefits from web-technology reduced operations costs

Perceived, realized benefits from web-technology better relationship with suppliers

Perceived, realized benefits from web-technology reduced cycle time