


Challenges in the implementation of the Public Procurement Act

Freq. (%)

Freq. (%)

Freq. (%)

The Act is designed to be more controlling than facilitating the procurement process itself

5 (4.76%)

5 (4.76%)

95 (90.48)

The Act does not allow for introduction of innovative techniques in the procurement process

91 (86.67%)

6 (5.71%)

8 (7.62%)

The Act ensures that the cheapest service is obtained but not the best in terms of quality

92 (87.62%)

5 (4.76%)

8 (7.62%)

The procurement process is very bureaucratic

95 (90.48%)

5 (4.76%)

5 (4.76%)

There are technical difficulties in applying the Act in all aspects

50 (47.62%)

0 (0.00%)

55 (52.38%)

Frequent changes in membership of tender board affect the procurement process

44 (41.90%)

30 (28.60%)

31 (29.50%)

Limited logistics (computers, office space etc.) slows down the work of tender committee

41 (39.00%)

30 (29.00%)

34 (32.00%)

Tender committee members do not have the requisite skills and training in the procurement process.

90 (86.00%)

0 (0.00%)

15 (14.00%)

Tender committee members do not receive rewards for their services

75 (71.42%)

15 (14.29%)

15 (14.29%)

External pressure to subvert the procurement process

80 (76.19%)

20 (19.05%)

5 (4.76%)

Most suppliers and contractors do not look for adverts on procurement

65 (61.90%)

25 (23.81%)

15 (14.29%)

The Act has made the procurement of goods and services very risky

12 (11.43%)

33 (31.43%)

60 (57.14%)

Most suppliers and contractors cannot obtain the needed documents

60 (57.14%)

20 (19.05%)

25 (23.81%)