

Residential crowding rate

The number of individuals per room in each housing unit (dependent variable).

Higher education

Percentage of individuals obtaining higher education qualifications.


Percentage of individuals aged 5 years and over who cannot read and write.


Percentage of individuals who have a physical or mental condition that limits a person’s movements, senses, or activities.


Percentage of unemployed individuals who are actively searching for employment and unable to find work.

Population density

The number of people living per neighborhood relative to the space occupied by them.

Area size

The total amount of neighborhood area in kilometer squared

Rent housing

Percentage of households who pay periodically to a property owner in return for the use of property.

Tent housing

Percentage of households living in a shelter consisting of sheets of fabric or other material draped over.

Cemetery housing

Percentage of households living in a cemetery or a grave.

Public drinking water coverage

Percentage of households having access to public coverage of safe drinking water.

Public electricity coverage

Percentage of households do not have access to public coverage of electricity.

Public sewage coverage

Percentage of households do not have access to public coverage of sanitation.

One room dwelling

Percentage of households living in one room property.