Disseminated knowledge (knowledge from research and development)

Knowledge source and transfer:

Knowledge transition and dissemination from international level R&D results; reconceptualization of latest useful knowledge; socialization of new knowledge; dissemination of emergent knowledge; development of scopes and themes for future studies; knowledge is created by expertise; studies and training in work place; workshops; and reviews.

Purpose of data collection:

Dissemination of meaningful and useful knowledge; knowledge for incremental or radical inventions and innovations; cognitive and practical progress; improvements of expertise competence; facilitation of R&D related learning; progress and creation of school and academy; exploitation of knowledge reserves and mobilization; advances by new knowledge for future development; and regional-global capabilities, policies and intellectual capital.

Unit of analysis:

Presentation; proposal; technology; protocol; system; computer-information language; unit of standard; measure; dissemination channel; study unit; R&D group; R&D networks; policy; cluster; cultural proximity; direct impact; indirect impact; and relations between communities.


Case study; grounded approach; research for improving or building disseminated service or artifact; network analysis; discourse analysis; design science research; information systems research; last-mile research and action research.


Direct impact; indirect impact; action related changes; and cultural changes.


Disciplinary-dependency; policy-dependency; expertise-dependency; common knowledge sharing and dissemination way or channel dependency.