Score 1*

(coarse grain of meat)

Score of 5*

(fine grain of meat)

Carcass assessment relative to evaluation of the whole carcass

Carcass assessment

big and hollow

plump and well conformed

Balance between hind and forequarters

bad balance, too much forequarters

good balance, little forequarters

Thigh conformation

thigh without round

round and regular thigh

Bone development

unrefined, too developed


Fat development

thin or very fat carcass

covered carcass

Feel of the diaphragma

hard and dry fibres

crushing and flexible fibres

Feel of the longus colli

hard and dry fibres

crushing and flexible fibres

Carcass assessment relative to evaluation after separation of quarters

Muscle relative depth

no muscle depth, high fat depth

large muscle depth, light fat depth

Inter-muscular fat at the 5th rib level

large amount

limited fat development

Longissimus thoracis seepage

dry with small pearls

neither very wet, nor very dry

Longissimus thoracis nerves

many visible nerves

lack of visible nerves

Longissimus thoracis marbling

visible and poorly distributed marbling

evenly distributed or invisible marbling

Longissimus thoracis fibres

easily visible to the neck eye

very fine, not visible

Evaluation by touching the longissimus thoracis and of the rhomboideus thoracis

rough and granular

smooth and soft, without harshness

Global “grain of meat” assessment

Very rough/granular

Smooth, soft, without harshness