Landscape metrics (unit)


Class Area—CA (ha)

Class area; sum of areas of all patches belonging to a given class, in map units.

Number of Patches—NP

NP > 1, without limit, NP = 1 when a landscape or class type.

Mean Patch Size—MPS (ha)

Contains one patch, number of patches corresponding to class type at a landscape. The average area of patches corresponding to the forest cover type. Greater MPS indicate slightly fragmented forests.

Core Area Percentage of Landscape—CPLAND (%)

Percentage of the center of the landscape, similar to patch level core.

Landscape Patch Index—LPI (%)

Percentage of the landscape comprised by the largest path.

Patch Density—PD (Patches/100 ha)

Patches corresponding to the total forest cover divided by the total Area multiplied by 100. If forest class represents a greater PD, it indicates that it is subdivided into many patches and thus could be considered as fragmented.

Mean Shape Index—MSI

Shape complex measurement. The more irregular the shape, the larger the values and the closer the quadrilateral the closer it is to 1.

Euclidian Nearest Neighbor—ENN-MN

The average distance between patches of corresponding forest type, based on edge-to-edge distance.