Validated measures of multiple dimensions of poverty and forest dependence constructs

Economic insecurity dimension of poverty

1. We don’t have livestock assets in our household

2. Our land is no longer productive

3. Our agricultural yield is not sufficient because of crop-raiding by animals from the park

4. We don’t have skills in our household to create jobs

Food insecurity dimension of poverty

5. We regularly don’t eat food we prefer in our household

6. We regularly don’t eat enough food for everyone in our household

7. We regularly don’t eat three times in a day

8. The annual food production for our household is insufficient

Health insecurity dimension of poverty

9. Health care facilities are far from our household

10. We don’t have money to pay for the national health insurance plan

*We do not have access to clean water for use in our household

Education insecurity dimension of poverty

11. Adults in our household cannot read and write

12. Our children do not study because they don’t have the required scholastic materials

13. Our children do not study because they don’t have food at home

Dependence on animal species

14. Some people in our community go to the park to hunt animals for bush-meat to feed their families

15. Some people in our community go to the park to hunt animals for bush-meat to sell and earn income

*Some people in our community go to the park to hunt animals for bush-meat for medicinal use in our home

Dependence on forest habitat resources

16. Some people in our community go to the park to collect bamboo for household use

17. Some people in our community go to the park to collect bamboo for sell and earn income

18. Some people in our community go to the park to collect wood for crop support in their agricultural fields

19. Some people in our community go to the park to collect honey

20. Some people in our community go to the park to collect handicraft-making materials