Meaning unit

Connecting the meaning unit into themes


Main themes

“You know, I am kind of worn down here and there, but you know, it’s a pretty natural thing considering the job I have.”

“My job gives me a strong feeling of having a meaningful life.”

“Considering my age, my health is pretty good.”

Health is related to the feeling of having a meaningful life, life experiences and life stages.

Perceived health is a result of having lived one’s life in the way one wants

Having a positive sense of ownership towards one’s own life experiences

“I am both caring and conscientious. It is important to be these things when choosing the nursing profession.”

“I have always wanted to have more children, which I have indeed gotten.”

Making choices in life is related to personal values and interests

Being true to one’s own values and personal interests

“I try to stay updated in my field as far as possible, and attend seminars when I feel that I should.”

“I want to get things done and get them resolved, so I check with the others when I cannot find the answer myself.”

Utilizing available opportunities in order to develop themselves in their professional practice

Developing one’s potential