reasons for requesting planned caesarean

Illustrative quotes


“My choice of the planned caesarean section based on just what I know. The nasty comments about vaginal delivery finally convinced me. I fear losing my baby” (Participant 2).

“There are many advantages to choosing a caesarean section today. For example, we avoid long labour, tears […] the men will not cheat anymore because of body changes (laughs) […] the vaginal delivery leads to enlargements which can cause quarrels in the couple” (Participant 11).

beliefs in the mastery and use of surgical techniques and technology by physicians

“Nowadays this is possible, and our doctors are used to do it like in Europe. It is necessary to notice that the surgical material is adequate and reassure me. Techniques used in caesarean section contribute to rely trust on the practice” (Participant 4).

Quality of healthcare services

“A clean hospital, we are at least sure to get out without a nosocomial disease I mean Infection. Moreover, you know, our hospital must be clean; in any case about my caesarean section I do not want to drag and bear a wound that will fester afterwards and become a problem for me, my child and husband too” (Participant 8).

“At the last antenatal visit, I informed my gynaecologist about my decision to benefit from a caesarean section. He agreed and has not objected my request. He just said that I have to provide a check-up at the right time, and that was done” (Participant 5).