Prenatal Medical Surveillance

Child Development Center

Prenatal Control

Ministry of Health

The pregnant woman enters the prenatal program in the 12th week of her gestational process, is attended by the doctor responsible for the program, a medical history (CLAP/SMR)* PAHO** is performed. Which is composed of: clinical record, family history and personal, obstetric antecedents, current pregnancy. The following data are recorded on the first visit: weight, blood pressure, uterine height, presentation, fetal heart rate, fetal movements, iron intake, Calcium, folates, nutritional status is assessed and warning signs of pregnancy are reported. Subsequently, 7 visits are scheduled one each month and the same data recorded above are recorded. After birth the mother is cited to complete the filling of the (CLAP/SMR) PAHO with the birth and newborn data

Each of the women participating in the prenatal program receives the attention of a doctor from the Ministry of Health who is responsible for prenatal control and month after month performs the clinical review and evaluates the conditions of pregnancy, records the data in your card Prenatal, which the patient will show to the doctor responsible for the prenatal program who performs the prenatal medical surveillance and monitors compliance with the medical indications for each particular case.