Concept and Question

Themes and Sample Responses

Sources of Information about E-Cigarettes

1) “Where did you first hear about e-cigarettes and what did you hear about them?”

Friends: “I was with a friend at a bar. She asked if I wanted to try it because we were talking about quitting. She’s quit for over a year and only uses them at bars.”

Family: “My sister, she said they were great.”

Store/Retail: “In convenient stores. I didn’t hear anything except they don’t stink.”

2) “Have you ever talked to your doctor or nurse about e-cigarettes? If you did, what did you ask them? What did they say?”

Yes/Recommendation: “Yes, I asked what they knew about safety. They did not know much, but agreed it was worth trying. Very supportive.”

Yes/No Recommendation: “Yes but they did not know much about them.”

No: “No I have not talked to my doctor about them yet.”

Experience Using E-Cigarettes

1) “What made you decide to try the e-cigarette? How did you actually use it? Did you use it as recommended? When did you plan to use it?”

Cessation Aid: “Quit smoking regular cigarettes.”

Healthier; No SHS: “For health reason and the smell of regular cigarettes. Also [I want to reduce] second hand smoke around family.”

Expense: “A friend uses them, and in the long run they save money. The flavors are appealing, and [e-cigarettes] don’t pollute.”

2) “Tell me about the first time you tried an e-cigarette.”

With Friends; Talking about Quitting Smoking: “I was with a friend at a bar. She asked if I wanted to try it because we were talking about quitting.”

Experiment with Other’s E-Cigarettes: “I was at work, about ready to leave. My coworker let me try hers, so I could compare the taste to a regular cigarette.”

Experimented Alone: “I was alone in my car driving. To try and quit smoking.”

3) “How much did you overlap use between the regular cigarettes and the e-cigarette?”

Frequently: “A lot. Something the e-cig wasn’t really sufficient for my craving so I would smoke a regular cigarette in between usage some days.”

Sometimes: “Off and on for a week or so. I have cut back regular cigarettes by more than half since starting the e-cigarette, but not completely quit.”

Never/Almost Never: “I quit cigarettes all together when starting the e-cigarette. I had a few cigarettes since, but did not enjoy them.”

4) “How effective was it for addressing your withdrawal symptoms? Your cravings? The hand to mouth movement? Other triggers?”

Not Very: “It does seem to help, but am having a more difficult time. It is particularly difficult around smokers.”

Somewhat: “It’s good for most cravings—extreme emotional triggers are harder.”

Very: “Very effective. No withdrawal at all.”

5) “At what point did you think you might quit smoking regular cigarettes completely? Did this ever happen? Do you think you will?”

No Plan: “I don’t know at what point. It hasn’t happened. I don’t think I want to quit. If I do, it will probably be winter time.”

Yes/Quit in Future: “I’m working on it, someday I will [quit regular cigarettes].”

Yes/Quit Immediately/Soon: “Over the next 10 days, I’ll supplement wit e-cigarettes and dropping the amount of regular cigarettes each day until I can say ‘that’s it’.”

6) “What are the advantages of e-cigarettes over regular cigarettes?”

Smell; Impact on Others; Impact on Health: “Less odor, less offensive to non-smokers. I don’t inhale as deeply so less cough.”

Impact on Health; Impact on Others: “No tar, carbon dioxide, or other chemicals that regular cigarettes have. It is far more socially acceptable.”

Impact on Health: “Health has improved; improved taste/smell. I have saved money.”

7) “What are the disadvantages of e-cigarettes over regular cigarettes?”

Inconvenience: “None other than bulkier and heavier.”

“Cravings for a regular cigarette.”

Concerns about Unknown: “I have no idea what sort of chemicals are in the juice which raises some red flags. I can’t compare e-cigarettes vs. regular cigarettes.”

May Use More/Fewer Restrictions: “I tend to smoke it a lot more in one sitting than I would just one real cigarette.”

8) “How does the e-cigarette compare to other resources or products you have used for quitting smoking?”

Address Habit; Reduce Nicotine over Time: “It is by far more promising. It combines the ritual, nicotine, and perceived ‘smoke’. It will allow me to slowly titrate.”

Address Habit; Flavors: “The imitation (hand to mouth), blowing out vapor, and variety of flavors and is superior to other nicotine supplements.”

Address Habit: “I had better results with nicotine lozenges. I’m thinking about trying those again. The e-cigarettes reinforce the oral habit which might be a bad thing.”

Address Cravings: “I’m still getting nicotine in an e-cigarette. I prefer an inhibitor to craving like Chantix but couldn’t handle the side effects. E-cigarettes are much safer.”

Social Influence on E-Cigarette Use