Economic benefits

Social benefits

Environmental benefits

・ Provides stability and confidence for investment.

・ Identify land in appropriate locations for economic development

・ Ensure that land for development is well placed

・ Promotes environmentalquality in both urban and rural areas

・ Identify development that meets the needs of local communities

・ Promoteregeneration and renewal

・ Make decisions in a more efficient and consistent way

・ Considers the needs of the local communities in policy development

・ Improve accessibility when considering the location of new development

・ Supports the provision of local facilities where they are lacking

・ Promotes the reuse of vacant and derelict land, where it impact on quality of life and economic development potential; and

・ Aids the creation and maintenance of pleasant, healthy and safe environments

・ Promotes regeneration and appropriate use of land, buildings and infrastructure

・ Promotes the use of both brownfield and Greenfields

・ Conserve important environment, historical and cultural assets

・ Protects and enhances areas for recreation and natural heritage.

・ Promotes access to all mode of transport

・ Encourages energy efficiency in the layoutand design of development