Year 1

Month 1 - 6

NGO planning and development

Month 6 - 12

Household testing program

Month 6 - 12

CAASD scientific testing at check valves

Year 2

Month 1 - 3

Analyzing and preparing report

Month 3 - 12

Planning and development for infrastructure repairs

Month 6 - 12

Infrastructure Repairs―Gazcue

Year 3

Month 1 - 6

NGO follow-up and outreach with Gazcue neighborhood

Month 1 - 6

Infrastructure Repairs - Villa Francisca and Domingo Savio

Month 6 - 12

NGO follow-up and outreach with Villa Francisca and Domingo Savio neighborhoods

Year 4

Month 1 - 12

Continued infrastructure repairs and NGO outreach

Year 5

Month 1 - 12

Continued infrastructure repairs and NGO outreach