Clinical Identifier

Location and Investigator

Title of the study


Start Date

Completion date

Cells involved


Julie A Johnson, Pharm D. University of Florida, USA

Pharmacogenomic evaluation of antihypertensive responses in iPSC study (PEAR-iPSC)

To study the variation in responsiveness of antihypertensive drug therapy in different individuals.

August 2013

October 2016



Sonia Franco, MD. Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, John Hopkins, USA

iPSC-based approaches for modelling and treating Ataxia-Telangiectasia

To understand the disease mechanism of Ataxia-Telangiectasia (A-T) using patient fibroblast derived iPSC in vitro.

October 2014

October 2017



Rachel C. Brennan, MD

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital (University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA: collaborator)

Feasibility, validation and differentiation of iPSC produced from patients with heritable retinoblastoma

To establish the feasibility of producing iPSCs from retinoblastoma patients with germline RB1 mutations, validate the derivative cells and differentiate them into retina as a model of the initiation of retinoblastoma in the developing retina.

October 2014

April 2017



David F Stroncek, M.DNational Institutes of Health Clinical Centre, USA

Blood collection from healthy volunteers and patients for the production of clinical grade iPSC products.

To develop new methods to make iPSCs; to identify better ways to collect, produce, and grow them; and to make an iPSC bank.

January 2014

October 2018



Benjamin E Reubinoff, MD., PhD.

Hadassah Medical Organization, USA

Derivation of iPSCs from somatic cells donated by patients with neurological diseases for the study of the pathogenesis of the disorders and development of novel therapies.

The major goal of the project is to develop human iPSCs from cell cultures from skin biopsies or the patient’s hair for modelling diseases and drug discovery and for developing the technology that may eventually allow the use of iPS cells for future transplantation therapy.

April, 2009

December, 2018