Scenario 1: The scene from the beginning of work at the nurses’ station

Information on novice midwife

22 years old, novice midwife, third day in charge of deliveries, one delivery assistance. She is quite nervous. This is the first time she has been induced with oxytocin since she qualified as a midwife. Her knowledge of induction and under-amniotic fluid is limited and she is unable to make an assessment. She has basic knowledge about delivery, but is unable to connect this knowledge to information gathering and assessment.

Information on pregnant woman

She is a pregnant woman who has one child, 39 weeks 3 days, 156 cm, 58 kg (15 kg increase from non-pregnant). AFI 4.6. Fetus’ estimated weight is 2810 g (at 38 weeks 6 days). She was admitted yesterday for induction due to low amniotic fluid. Yesterday, she had five laminaria M size inserted. Laminaria was removed at 7:30 am today. Internal examination findings: os3cm, eff50%, st-2. She was induced with oxytocin at 7:40 a.m. Oxytocin was increased to 24 ml/h at 8:10 a.m. Contractions were every 8 minutes. Contractions were every 8 minutes, 20 seconds. The fetus’ heartbeat was reassuring.

Situation of the scene

This is the scene where the night shift staff has finished sending out their reports. This is the nurse’s station. The time is now 8:30 AM. It is 8:30 AM and the novice midwife looks nervous and says to her clinical educator, Please take care of me today. This is the start of the scene.

Scenario 2: The scene of the first stage of delivery

Information on novice midwife

22 years old, novice midwife. She assisted in five deliveries, which were four primipara (including one natural and three painless) and one multipara (painless). This is the first time that she has received a multipara who wanted to have a natural birth. She can collect information on paper, but she cannot collect information using the five senses. She cannot assess contractions by palpation, check for anal resistance, or monitor facial expressions and breathing changes.

Information on pregnant woman

She is a pregnant woman who has one child, 40 weeks 2 days. Fetus’ estimated weight is 3020 g (at 39 weeks 3 days). The pregnancy progressed without any problems. The first child was born at 3560 g. The delivery time was 10 hours. She was admitted to the hospital due to onset of labor 2 hours ago. Internal examination findings at admission: os3-4cm, eff80%, st-2. Contraction interval was every 7 - 8 minutes. It is now 8:00 a.m., contractions are every 5 - 6 minutes, contractions are still weak. She can take deep breaths during contraction attacks to release the contractions.

Situation of the scene

The delivery is progressing well. The contractions are still weak, and the pregnant woman can take deep breaths during contraction attacks to release the contractions. The novice midwife will now take charge and visit the room to greet you.