


Estimated number of total visits to the website.

Unique Visitors

Estimation of unique website visitors.


An estimate of the average number of subpages a visitor navigates to during a visit to the website.

Average Visit Duration

Estimation of the average length of time of a website visit.

Bounce Rate

Estimate the percentage of website visitors who leave after visiting a single page. It is essentially the percentage of one-page sessions on the website that then leads to abandonment.

% of Branded Traffic

The percentage of website traffic that comes from visitors who type in keywords that include any mention of the company brand.

% of Non-Branded Traffic

The percentage of website traffic that does not come from visitors typing in keywords that include any mention of the company brand.

Direct Traffic

Website traffic by directly typing its address into the browser’s search bar or via saved bookmarks or links outside the browser such as PDF files or Word documents.

Referral Traffic

Website traffic from hyperlinks appearing on another website, as long as they are not social media pages.

Search Traffic

Website traffic that comes from searches through Google and other search engines.

Social Traffic

Website traffic from social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Pinterest, YouTube, etc. This source includes both organic and paid social media traffic.

Paid Traffic (Google Ads)

Website traffic from paid Google Ads. This source includes PPC ads in search results as well as product ads (Google Shopping).


Total number of links from other websites, pointing to the selected webpage, also known as inbound or external links. Search engines like Google see backlinks as votes of confidence.

Referring Domains

Total number of other websites that link to the selected website.

Organic (Search) Traffic

Traffic to a website as a result of unpaid search results (not caused by paid advertising).

Organic Keywords

Keywords used in SEO to attract organic traffic for free.

Desktop Traffic Distribution

The percentage of website traffic that comes from a desktop computer.

Mobile Traffic Distribution

The percentage of website traffic that comes from mobile devices.

Global Rank

The ranking that a web page can receive in the entire World Wide Web, i.e., in the totality of all web pages that exist.