Territory: presents characteristics and/or contexts of domiciles and the region, delimited space, social, cultural, epidemiological, political, economic, demographic, social relations establishments, as well as daily life elements, approximation of reality, health actions. (Brasil, 2005; Jaramillo, 2018; Teixeira, Paim, & Vilasbôas, 2000)

Location: identifies the name, presents the services and assets available in the territory, as well as “highlights the organization of practices and service management and the care model”. (Barros & Lourenço, 2006)

Risk Areas: it is a defined geographic space, whose social, demographic and ecological conditions are liable to the occurrence of unfavorable events, natural or not, that generate damages, threats or dangers, as well as a physical space marked by social and territorial inequality, where situations of risk and vulnerability occur. (Brasil, 2005; Sampaio, Guimarães, & Sampaio, 2013)

Social support equipment: related to the flow of demands and access to available strategies, mechanisms and resources, of distinct natures, that comprise the organizational networks of territories that aim at the strengthening and continuity of care actions. (Teixeira et al., 2000)

Intersectoriality: Integration of policies, aiming at action in social determinants. Concerning the partnership, cooperation and articulation of policies and services of the health network with complementary actions in view of the complexity that involves health/illness/care processes, considering the integrality of the individual, health promotion, as well as individual and collective needs. (Cecílio & Matsumoto, 2006)

Teaching/service integration: concerning the partnership between education and health to strengthen health education, promotes intersectoral actions and values health needs in which students know the demands and needs in the contexts of people. (Vasconcelos, Stedefeldt, & Frutuoso, 2016)