



Pretest administered.

5 minutes

Who am I? Ice-breaker game. Students play game in which the name, photo, and work topic of a well-known scientist is taped to each student’s back (e.g., Marie Currie, Albert Einstein). Students ask a “yes-no” answerable question to each classmate to discover the identity of the scientist.

5 minutes

Painting. Students receive a diorama base and paint the inside with acrylic paints.

20 minutes

Scientist information. Students listen to two slide show presentations about the life and work of women scientists: Mary Leakey (paleontologist and archaeologist) and Barbara McClintock (corn geneticist).

15 minutes


Icebreaker game. Students play the “Who am I?” game again with a different scientist taped to back.

5 minutes

Painting. Students paint the outside areas with acrylic paints.

20 minutes

Cutting. Students receive about 5 pages of color images for their chosen or assigned scientist and cut them out.

20 minutes

Scientist Information. While cutting out images, students listen to two more presentations about scientists: Ellen Ochoa (shuttle astronaut) and Patricia Bath (ophthalmologist).

Day 2 survey administered.

5 minutes


Diorama construction. Students glue the front of the face image to cardboard, cut it out again, and then glue the bottom inch of it to the upper front of the box so that the scientist’s head stands upright above the box. They then glue the matching back side to the back of the face so that the bottom inch of it is glued inside the box front panel.

10 minutes

Scientist information. Students listen to two slide show presentations of scientists: Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin (chemist and crystallographer) and Tolani Francisco (large animal veterinarian).

15 minutes

Diorama Construction. Students work to glue images to the front of the box to decorate the building and to label the box with the scientist’s name. Then they begin working on the inside of the building and the opposite scene of the scientist working.

20 minutes


Scientist vocabulary game: Students play a new game in which each student is given a scientific career term such as “environmentalist” or “crystallographer” and they must find the classmate with the corresponding definition of the scientist term.

5 minutes

Students continue decorating the sides of their dioramas with information and images.

15 minutes

Students listen to the final two slide show presentations about women scientists: Joan Esnayra (Geneticist) and Lisa Perez Jackson (Environmentalist).

Each student receives an identical set of ten craft items from which to construct a scene related to his or her scientist, using all of the materials. They first generate several ideas related to the scientist, then choose one and begin to construct it. The scene is glued to the back of the box.

20 minutes

Day 4 survey administered.

5 minutes


Diorama completion. Students work to complete all parts of the diorama including the creative activity on the back panel.

20 minutes

Final Game: Students who have completed their dioramas play a simplified whiteboard version of Wheel of Fortune® with woman scientist-related puzzles; other students continue working on their dioramas.

15 minutes

Posttest with two additional questions about insights administered.

10 minutes

Diorama display. Finished dioramas are put on display for parents as they pick up students at the end of the week-long day camp. Students take their dioramas home.