3) The mobilization of intercultural knowledge and empowerment in emancipatory conflicts

Academic Interviwed

Speak of the Academic

Academic 02

“We know it is not easy rescuing all we had, but the little that we manage behalf of our people would be satisfied.”

Academic 19

“Seeking knowledge to transform our community and the surrounding society.”

Academic 06

“The degree supports us in order to work in a different way with our indigenous children. Through this course, we can revitalize our customs and strengthen our cultural identity as a whole.”

Academic 01

“We are preparing our children to be someone in life hereafter: an indigenous chief, a councilor, a mayor, a governor of the state since we the Kaingang people, already have someone to take over as a councilor.”

Academic 05

“Certainly I believe that all indigenous communities can have a decent life and their rights deserve to be respected by the rulers of this country.”

Academic 08

“We need to dream. That future generations are able to come to fight and seek better lives not only for the minority, but for the majority of indigenous peoples.”

Academic 09

“We learned to impose ourselves the indigenous society as non-indigenous society by presenting ourselves as critical citizens.”