




Factor 1: Empowerment Attempt (EA) α = 0.67 eigenvalue = 13.68

I have the power to decide who has the access to my blog.


I decide what to put on my personal journals.


I feel I have the power in influencing people.


I construct my own theory for my life.


Factor 2: Sharing Experiences (SE)

α = 0.74 eigenvalue = 22.07

I write journals to let my friends know what happens to me.


I share my opinions through my blog.


I share my photos by my blog.


I share my network with common

interests through my blog.


Factor 3: Participatory Learning (PL)

α = 0.89 eigenvalue = 15.55

I learn new ideas when discussing with my friends.


I organize what to portray on my blog.


I compare and reconstruct the information from blog connections.


I demonstrate the work I have done on my blog.


Factor 4: Critical Thinking and Open-Mindedness (EA)

α = 0.86 eigenvalue = 12.78

I reflect what I have been from my



I rethink what I can do better by going through my blog journals.


I criticize other’s opinions before I accept them.
