

Elements of the component



% of nutritionists able to conduct nutrition awareness and education activities

Presence of a training sheet for nutritionists

0 - 1

Presence of nutritionists’ evaluation sheet at the pre-test

0 - 1

% of sports teachers able to supervise beneficiaries for physical activities

Presence of a training sheet for sports teachers

0 - 1

Presence of sports teachers’ evaluation sheet in the pre-test

0 - 1

% of peer educators able to do outreach monitoring

Presence of peer educator training sheet

0 - 1

Presence of peer educator evaluation sheet

0 - 1

of health workers able to manage diabetic subjects

Presence of a training sheet for health workers

0 - 1

Presence of health worker assessment sheet

0 - 1

%of informed and motivated leaders

Presence Leader Awareness Sheet

0 - 1

-% beneficiaries who use the new culinary demonstration practices

- 80% of the beneficiaries use the new culinary demonstration practices.

0 - 1

of beneficiaries who reduced high-calorie meals in favour of vegetables

-80% of the beneficiaries reduce high-calorie meals in favour of vegetables

0 - 1

- % of beneficiaries who practice at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week

- 80% of the beneficiaries practice at least 150 minutes of physical activity per week

0 - 1

- % of beneficiaries reduced tobacco and alcohol use

- 60% of beneficiaries reduced tobacco and alcohol

0 - 1

- % Rate of perception of beneficiaries on the conduct of the sessions

- 80% good perception of the beneficiaries on the conduct of the sessions

0 - 1

- % of satisfied respondents

- % of satisfied respondents

0 - 1

Effectiveness of the implementation of the communication plan

% compliance between the objectives set and the effect achieved

0 - 1

Efficient implementation of the communication plan

% of adequacy between the means made available and the effect obtained

0 - 1

% satisfaction of beneficiaries

% satisfaction of beneficiaries

0 - 1

% of satisfaction of the actors

% of satisfaction of the actors

0 - 1

% of satisfaction of the political-administrative authorities

% of satisfaction of the political-administrative authorities

0 - 1

% of taxpayer satisfaction

% of taxpayer satisfaction

0 - 1


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