
Intracranial hemorrage

Intraserebellar hematoma, postop changes, diffuse brain edema, tonsiller herniation, brain stem compression.

ICF (+),

filiform flow through proximal part of bilateral MCA and ACA, after 12 hrs in the control MRA there was no flow

White matter: 0.280

Gray matter: 0.493

cerebellum: 0.447

Died within 48 hrs


Intracranial opareted mass

Postop cerebral contusion, diffuse brain edema, subfalcine (3 mm) and tonsillar herniation, brain stem compresion.

ICF (+),

filiform flow through bilateral MCA proximal part and ACA,

after 24 hrs control in the MRI there was no flow.

White matter: 0.289

Gray matter: 0.648

cerebellum: 0.459

Trans-plant donor


Intracranial bleeding

Postop changes, ventricular hemorrage, diffuse brain edema transtentorial and tonsillar herniation, brain stem compresion.

ICF (+),

Filiform flow through right MCA proximal part and basillary artery,

after 24 hrs in the control MRI there was no flow.

white matter: 0.254

Gray matter: 0.480

cerebellum: 0.434

Died within 7 days