
Strongly agree


Somewhat agree


Strongly disagree

I am satisfied with the technology in “Home care medical devices” available now days.

There is a definite improvement in the technology of home care medical equipment available now than 10 years ago.

Whenever a new technology is introduced in a medical device, the medical representative always updates me about it.

Besides the advertising done for this new technology, I rely on my patients feedback about the device.

I fully understand the function of different technologies available in different medical devices.

Because of newer technology, I face more and more issues with this home care medical equipment (e.g. data management, patient unable to use machine).

I think it would be beneficial for my patients if as a Healthcare Provider, I was more involved in the design and overall output of these “home care devices” as I understand what my patient needs.

I prefer it when the medical device is more computerized (wireless, bluetooth) than simple.