Referral to an allied health professional

Referral to specialist support

Ÿ When individuals ask for specific information related to weight management or indicate interest in undertaking a specific weight loss program

Ÿ When community-based programs are available, especially for people with a BMI < 35 and without major comorbidities who are ready for change

Ÿ When specific health indicators demonstrate increased health risks (e.g. increased blood pressure, lipid profiles, blood glucose) and the individual would benefit from interventions related to weight loss

Ÿ When the individual’s eating patterns are not meeting nutritional requirements (e.g. to a dietitian)

Ÿ When the individual might benefit from attending a structured group support program When the individual is having difficulty achieving behavioral change and may benefit from a behavioral weight loss intervention (e.g. to a psychologist)

Ÿ When the individual has a BMI > 35 kg/m2 or BMI > 30 kg/m2 with comorbidities

Ÿ When comorbidities need specialist management (e.g. musculoskeletal problems, sleep apnea, fertility problems, type 2 diabetes, eating disorders, depression or other mental health comorbidities)

Ÿ When a very low-energy diet or weight management medication is recommended (e.g. refer to a specialist weight management clinic)

Ÿ When bariatric surgery is a consideration (e.g. refer to a specialized bariatric surgery center)

Ÿ When an endocrine or syndromic cause is suspected (e.g. refer to an endocrinologist)