The Population concerned and disease condition:

The Interventions of interest:

The target population includes all adult people from different gender and age groups.

‒ Screening the population for overweight and obesity.

‒ Assessment of overweight and obesity.

‒ Psychological, dietary and physical exercise interventions.

‒ Different management options for people with overweight or obesity: pharmaceutical and surgical.

The Professionals to whom the guideline will be targeted:

This guideline is intended for the use of healthcare experts at all levels, including physicians, nurses, dietitians, psychologists, and physiotherapists.

The expected Outcome including patients, public and system outcome:

To reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity and their co-morbidities.

To reduce the expenditure of the health system.

To decrease the variations in clinical practice.

The Health care setting and context in which the guidelines are to be implemented:

Primary healthcare units and hospitals.