Coping Strategy


1) Kinship and community-support networks and the reciprocity of money, goods, land and labour

[31] -[44]

2) The sale of assets (including livestock)

[42] -[45]

3) The use and/or sale of NTFPs

[30] -[52]

4) Out migrations and remittances

[30] -[42]

5) Livelihood diversification

[30] [53]

6) Redistribution/reallocation of labour, the removal of children from school, the relocation of dependents to extended family and the adoption of children

[42] -[55]

7) Saving schemes, stokvels (credit groups), buying on credit and the withdrawal from stokvels to save on payments

[32] -[56]

8) Agricultural diversification, changes in agricultural practices, changes in crop type and food storage

[32] -[44]

9) Changes to household spending and food consumption (including changes to both the quantity and quality of meals as well as reductions in the number of meals consumed)


10) Wage labour

[42] [44]

11) Selling food, goods and services (including prostitution)

[40] [44]