Social Media usage, and Information Security Factors (SMISF)




Type of source (Methodology)

Summary of key points (factors)

(Tayouri, 2015)


“Identify cyber security risks, and mitigations, focusing on the human factor and social media usage.”

Conference proceeding

(Literature Review)

Education and training

Error handling

Information security

- Privacy/confidentiality

- Availability

(Wu He, 2012)


“Review social media security risks and mitigation techniques”

Journal article

(Literature review)

Security policy

User monitoring

Education and training

Software update

Error handling

(Jain, Sahoo, & Kaubiyal, 2021)


“Review different security and privacy threats, and existing solutions that can provide security to social network users”

Journal article

(Literature review)

Security and privacy setting

Authentication mechanism

Report users

(Wilcox, & Bhattacharya, 2015)


“Countering Social Engineering through Social Media: An Enterprise Security Perspective”

Book chapter

Literature Review

Effective security policy

Increase awareness

Education and training

Legal factors

Technical factors

- Anti-virus

- Firewalls

- Anti-spam filter

- Access control


- Intrusion detection

- Encryption

- Two factors authentication

(Ma, Zhang, Li, & Wu, 2019)


“Exploring information security education on social media use: Perspective of uses and gratifications theory”

Journal article

Survey and (Literature review and modeling)

Education and training

User satisfaction

Information security awareness

(Di Gangi, Johnston, Worrell & Thompson, 2016)


“A multi-panel Delphi study of organizational social media risk”

Journal article

(Delphi approach)

Social factors

- Effective policy

- Awareness

- Education and training

Technical factors

Legal factors