
Scored on a scale of 0, 1, 2, or 3 (except Q.29, 30 and 31 scored from 0 to 2) plus potential for bonus points (See Appendix 1 for scoring criteria).

TCMP score 2007

TCMP score 2016


Q20. Biophysical parameters: 2 Bonus Points each

Q20. Focal species abundance, cover, and composition have been researched during the AGRRA research campaigns, and other ad hoc projects. Other species abundance such as conch has been obtained in a previous research study by external researchers. Water quality has also been measured in the past, although not consistently, by the SVG NGO SusGren. Information regarding to fish landings is also available, at least from 1999-2006.

Focal species abundance


Composition and community structure


Food web integrity

Habitat distribution and complexity

Focal species population structure

Recruitment success within the community

Fishing effort


Water quality


Area showing signs of recovery

Area under no or reduced human impact

Q21. How are the biophysical indicators being measured/monitored? (Maximum score = 2)

Q21. Research has only been conducted after the implementation of the MPA, and mostly inside the MPA boundaries so comparisons on the impact of the Park is limited.





Q22. How frequently are the biophysical indicators being measured?


Q22. Frequency of monitoring depends on external organizations and funding. However, there are few activities being developed on a yearly basis such as turtle monitoring and seabird monitoring.

Bonus Point: Some parameters are measured more than once every year

Q23. Monitoring and evaluation: Are socioeconomic indicators monitored and evaluated?


Q23. Some socio-economic information was gathered ten years ago but current information is very limited.

Q24. Socioeconomic Parameters: 2 Bonus Points each

Q24. Information regarding the use of the marine area has been gathered, as well as regarding infrastructure existing on the area. In addition, employment and unemployment rate information is also available. Information on the different fishing gear used by fishermen, the fishing fleet, and the landed value from 1999-2006 had also been gathered previously. Furthermore, data on household income and stakeholders’ level of education was also gathered in a previous research. Finally, information regarding concerns of the area was collected in a previous survey, as well as perception information of the importance of the reefs at the TCMP. All data collection efforts were undertaken by entities external to the TCMP.

Local marine resource use patterns


Local values and beliefs regarding the marine resources


Level of understanding of human impact on resources


Perceptions of seafood availability

Perceptions of local resource harvest


Perceptions of nonmarket and nonuse value

Material lifestyle

Quality of human health

Household income distribution by source


Household occupational structure

Community infrastructure and business


Number and nature of markets

Stakeholder knowledge of natural history


Distribution of formal knowledge to community

Percentage of stakeholder group in leadership positions

Changes in conditions of ancestral and historical sites, features, and/or monuments