


Total Motility (TM)

Percent of sperm showing any movement


Progressive Motility (PM)

Percent of sperm moving rapidly and in a straight path


Rapid Motility (RAP)

Percent of sperm traveling at a speed of 25 µm/sec or faster


Curvilinear Velocity (VCL)

Time-average velocity of sperm head along its actual path


Straight Line Velocity (VSL)

Time-average velocity of sperm head projected along straight line


Average Path Velocity (VAP)

Time-average velocity of sperm head projected along its spatial trajectory


Linearity (LIN)

Ratio of projected length to total length of curvilinear trajectory; LIN = VSL/VCL


Straightness (STR)

Ratio of projected length to average velocity of sperm head along a spatial trajectory, STR = VSL/VAP


Wobble (WOB)

Expression of the degree of oscillation of the curvilinear path about its spatial average path; WOB = VAP/VCL
