Unipolar Axioms (UAs):

UA1: f®(j®f);

UA2: (f®(j®c))®((f®j)®(f®c));

UA3: Øf®j)®((Øf®Øj)®f);

UA4: (a) fÙj®f; (b) fÙj®j;

UA5: f®(j®fÙj);

Bipolar Linear Axioms:

BA1: (f, f+) Þ ((j, j+) Þ (f, f+));

BA2: ((f, f+) Þ ((j, j+) Þ (c, c+))) Þ (((f, f+) Þ (j, j+)) Þ ((f, f+) Þ (c, c+)));

BA3: (Ø(f, f+) Þ (j, j+)) Þ ((Ø(f, f+) Þ Ø(j, j+)) Þ(f, f+));

BA4: (a) (f, f+)&(j, j+) Þ (f, f+); (b) (f, f+)&(j, j+) Þ (j, j+);

BA5: (f, f+) Þ ((j, j+) Þ ((f, f+)&(j, j+)));

Inference Rule

―Modus Ponens (MP):

UR1: (fÙ(f®j))®j.

Non-Linear Bipolar Universal Modus Ponens (BUMP) (* can be bound to any bipolar operator in Table 1)

BR1: IF ((f, f+)*(y, y+)), [((f, f+) Þ (j, j+))&((y, y+) Þ (c, c+))],

THEN [(j, j+)*(c, c+)];

Predicate axioms and rules

UA6: "x, f(x)®f(t);

UA7: "x, (f®j)®(f®"x, j);

UR2-Generalization: f®"x, f(x)

Bipolar predicate axioms and rules of inference

BA6: "x, (f(x), f+(x)) Þ (f(t), f+(t));

BA7: "x, ((f, f+)Þ(j, j+)) Þ ((f, f+) Þ "x, (j, j+));

BR2-Generalization: (f, f+) Þ "x, (f(x), f+(x))