
If observes costs increase, consider whether it reflects the presence of the services where before they were non-existent or inadequate.

-Verify if the creation of Consortia enables an implementation of new technologies that would reduce costs and environmental impacts.

can be as difficult as the first best solution, the different variables involved and emergence of possible new restrictions. As, for example, the lack of technical capacity, leading to the bad quality of technical projects and environmental studies

-Lack of charging instruments for services maintenance.

Consortium; managers and operators’ technical capacity; resources and revenue for services maintenance; implementation of recycling collection.

-Consortia should prove ways for service maintenance, as for example, charging instruments.

PNRS is an incentive for the formation of consortia.

-However, most Consortia do not have Integrated Plans, because of that they would not have access to resources of the Union as having one of the Plans is a requirement of the Law (Brazil, Art. 18, 2010a) .


-Determine if the environmental damage is reducing after Consortia application, measured by, for example, not generating waste or by changing the behavior of individuals and businesses.

-Some Consortia for SWM objectives are: improve service delivery, reduce operating costs, minimize risks and environmental impacts, and optimize the use of areas for final disposal.

-Complexity and bureaucracy to ratify the Protocol of Intentions may lead to delays in the process.

-Lack of technical capacity impacts in planning and management the entire process.

-Previous technical study of the roads that link the municipalities and economic and financial viability should be conducted.

-Is there technical staff able to manage the whole SWM process (logistic, legislation, environmental issues)?

-Engage the stakeholders, particularly those that are affected throughout the process.-Check if dumpsites were closed and their areas recovered.-Evaluate if MSWM are better and if damage on health and to environment are being reduced.

-Just over half of the 29 Consortia did a SWM diagnosis.

-Lack of Plans has direct impact on increase of efforts and resources, particularly on first stages. Only 11 Consortia confirmed have one of the Integrated Plans.

-The percentage of ratification and Statute approval was high. However, of the 29 consortia, 93% indicated having the Protocol of Intentions against 31% that are in operation.

Incentive to maximum effort

-Prove that the joining of municipalities to MSWM allows the application of innovative solutions that reduce environmental damage and economic costs.

-Through the Consortia municipalities have prioritize incentives in access to resources. Also, PNRS determines as an instrument the cooperation and improvement of clean technologies to minimize environmental impacts. However, it is not clear what incentives Consortia would have on applying innovative solutions.

-Check if there are incentives for Consortia to seek innovative behavior for SWM.

-There were not questions directed to this topic because of that the responses of the 29 Consortia did not made possible to identify the application of innovative solutions that reduce environmental damage and economic costs or means to encourage them. Only one of the South’s Consortia indicated that obtains extra resources from the sale with the collected recycled material, demonstrating the use of market opportunities.