Explanation of Terminology



Input or Outcomes recourses of process. Product is a result of activity such as planning, development, evaluation.

Conversion process from input resources into outcomes resources. A process is a procedure or method of the activities.


The whole of the quality of a product and process about the ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Objects of a quality control usually are quality of product and quality of process. Quality is defined to the primary quality, secondary quality and quality in use defined in ISO/IEC25000.

From ISO, terminology “Product Quality” is defined as “totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated and implied needs”. “System product quality” is defined in six characteristics in ISO/IEC9126 (ISO/IEC25010) quality models.

“Process quality” is the efficiency of conversion process from input resources into outcomes and that is evaluated by following equation.

process quality = quality of outcomes re-sources/quality of input resources

For example, process quality can be assured from the view points as follows.

Does PDC cycle rotate?

To satisfy ISO9000 requirements?

Primary Quality:

Quality to meet specified requirements.

A product quality meets quality requirement specification of product.

A process quality meets quality requirement specification of process. Example of requirement specification of process is as follows.

Rules of company or international standard.

Secondary Quality:

An expected quality of product and process.

An attractive product quality to meet a tacit expectation of customer needs.

An effective process quality to meet a tacit expectation of stakeholders needs.


A reason that causes a problem or issue.

The reason that causes a problem of product such as a defect, fault, error, obstructs.

The reason that causes a problem of process such as a quality decline, excess over the cost, an appointed date of delivery delay.


An abnormal status of product or process. The state that cannot realize primary quality.

Problems can be finally zero if we push forward correction.

An abnormal status of product that is deviated from quality requirement specification of product.

For example, a problem of product is such as a defect, a fault, an error, an obstacle, etc.

An abnormal status of process that is deviated from quality requirement of process.

For example, it is not to meet the process requirements of ISO9000 or rules of the inner or outer organization.


An expected status of product or process. The status that cannot be second quality.

An issue never disappears.

An expected status of a product which want to be improved in a more attractive quality. It is necessary to soak a priority depending on importance and urgent degree, and to push forward improvement of product.

A prospective quality of process that want to be improved more efficiently.

It is necessary to soak a priority depending on importance and urgent degree, and to push forward improvement of process.

Static Risk:

Outbreak probability and the scale of the loss.

The loss that may occur in future by leaving an inner or outer problem or issue of product

The loss that may occur in future by leaving an inner or outer problem or issue of process.

Dynamic Risk:

Outbreak probability and the scale of an effect or loss. For example, dynamic risk management is necessary for investment or project management.

An expected effect or loss that may occur in the future by an activity for the resolution of problem of product.

An expected effect or loss that may occur in the future by an activity for the resolution of problem of process.