Ford (2014)

Cross- sectional

Perceived unfairness at work: Four items = How often do

you think you are unfairly given the jobs that no one else

wanted to do? How often are you watched more closely than other workers? How often do you feel that you are ignored

or not taken seriously by your boss? And How often has a

co-worker with less experience and qualification gotten

promoted before you?

Systolic blood pressure Diastolic blood pressure

Gender Age

Time lag between the questionnaire and the biomarkers data collections

Relative with high blood pressure

Blood pressure medication BMI


Regular exercise



Perceived unfairness at work was associated with higher resting diastolic and systolic blood pressure.

Perceived unfairness was most strongly related to diastolic and systolic

blood pressure among women with low levels of coworker support.

Self-esteem did not moderate the association between perceived unfairness and blood pressure


Study design

Issue of the study

Data collection

Number of



Hall, Brinchman, & Aagaard (2012)

Qualitative Study

Good and challenging experiences of mothers and nurses in a neonatal care setting

Semi-structured interviews


(7 female nurses, 5 mothers)

Small daily clinical matters become big issues and could provoke moral distress.

Nurses integrate ethics of justice and ethics of care, while mothers are concerned about health and well-being of their specific infant only