
General description

Reliability data

Validity data

Digit Span (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV; Wechsler, 2008 )

A core Working Memory subtest of the WAIS-IV that has three distinct tasks that require repeating a series of digits forward, backward, and in ascending order.

Reliability coefficients at or above .89 for each age group (range .89 to .94). Moderate correlation with FSIQ (r = .72)b

Convergent validity, with correlation coefficient of Digit Span to Number-Letter Switching of the DKEFS being .63 for TBI patientsb

Letter-Number Sequencing (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV; Wechsler, 2008 )

A supplemental Working Memory subtest requires the individual to listen to a series of random numbers and letters that are presented orally and then has to sequentially order the numbers in ascending order and the letters alphabetically.

Reliability coefficients at or above .85 for each age group (range .85 to .91). Moderate correlation with FSIQ (r = .64)b

Convergent validity, with correlation coefficient of Letter-Number Sequencing to Number-Letter Switching of the DKEFS being .71 for TBI patientsb

Spatial Addition (Wechsler Memory Scale-IV; Wechsler, 2009 )

Assesses visual-spatial working memory using a visual addition task. Subject is shown sequentially, two grids with blue and red circles and asked to add or subtract the locations of the circles based on a set of rules.

Reliability coefficient of .89 to .91 in ages 16-69 and .98 in population of TBI patients. Test-retest reliability .77

Convergent validity with correlation coefficient of r = .6 of Spatial Addition and Symbol Span tests in TBI patients.

Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) Ponsford & Kinsella, 1992 )

A test of divided attention that requires a person scan a set of 9 key symbols and write down or orally say the number corresponding to each symbol as rapidly as possible.

Test-retest reliability was .80 for the written SDMT and .76 for the oral version (Smith, 1991) a,c

Criterion validity of SDMT and Symbol/Coding subtest of the WAIS-IV range from r = .62 to r = .91, depending on populationa,c

Conners’ Continuous Performance Test II (CPT-II) (Conners, 1997)

Computerized vigilance task that requires a person to maintain attention over long intervals to detect infrequently occurring targets.

Internal reliability coefficients for Hit Reaction Time (.95), Omissions (.94), Commissions (.83), Standard Error (.87)a,c

Convergent validity demonstrated-CPT Commissions was moderately correlated to Posner Visual Orienting Task (r = .62) and Signal-Stop Task (r = .43) (Epstein, Johnson, Varia, & Conners, 2001) a,c

Stroop Interference Test (Stroop, 1935)

A selective attention and cognitive flexibility test. There are several versions, but each version tests the ability of a person to inhibit their response in naming a color when presented as a mismatch (i.e., word “blue” printed in yellow ink).

For Victoria Stroop Test, Reliability Coefficients were .90, .83 and .91 for the three parts of the test of Color, Word, Color/Worda,c

Convergent validity with moderate correlation with other attention measures as Omission Errors on CPT-II (r = .31) (Weinstein, Silverstein, Nader, & Turnbull, 1999) and Stop-Signal Task (r = .56) (May & Hasher, 1998)a,c

Trail Making Tests (Reitan, 1955)

Requires connecting of 25 encircled numbers randomly arranged on a page in proper order (Trails A) and 25 encircled numbers and letters in alternating order (Trails B).

Test-retest Reliability Coefficients were .79 for Trails A and .89 for Trails B (Dikmen, Heaton, Grant, Temkin, 1999) . Interrater reliability of .94 for Trails A and .90 for Trails B (Fals-Stewart, 1992) a,c

Convergent validity for visual search, object finding and hidden pattern tests, with correlations from .36 to .93 (Ehrenstein, Heister, & Cohen, 1982) . Trails B moderately correlated with SDMT and PASAT (Royan, Tombaugh, Rees, & Francis, 2004) a,c