Suspend disbelief

Ask powerful questions

Break the fourth wall

Who would make a surprising Mayor?

How could the system of governance be different?

How else could we organise ourselves?

How does it feel to lead (and be led)?

What may be the consequences of…?

What other scenarios are possible?

How else can decisions be made and by whom, when?

What if the unthinkable was possible, even became inevitable?

Why is one individual at the top of government?

What makes a good Mayor or leader?

What is required to understand what people need and want?

How can majorities and minorities make joint decisions?

What experiences prepare for leadership and authority?

Why may someone choose to run for office?

How can diverse people reach agreements?

How could we anticipate the consequences of a collective decision?

How may those ideas apply to me/us?

What else is linked to, relevant, or similar to that?

Who is the right or the likely person to do this?

Why can’t we (or they) do that?

How are these situations similar or different?

What can we do today to influence the future?

How may the ordinary (familiar) become extraordinary (unfamiliar)?

What else have we taken for granted so far?