Student name:


Scenario #:


2 = Excellent

1 = Satisfactory

0 = Need practice


Introduction and patient identification


Identify the patient

Very appropriate wording

Identify the patient correctly

Appropriate wording

Identify the patient correctly

Not do

Symptom assessment

Assess symptoms (including position, severity, quality, duration and timing)

Assess the provoking and relieving factors

Very appropriate wording

Assess all relevant and important data correctly

Appropriate wording

Assess about 80% of important data correctly

Inappropriate wording

Assess less than 80% of important data or irrelevant data

Not do

Physical examination

Check blood pressure, pulse, heart and respiratory rate

Auscultate the lung, heart and bowel sounds

Inspect abdomen

Observe skin color, range of motion of joints, eyes and mouths

Recognize the abnormal signs

Verbalize the causes for abnormal signs

Correct and comprehensive physical examination

Concern the patient’s response and provide the appropriate management timely

Recognize all abnormal signs and verbalize the potential causes correctly

Correct physical examination, but partly complete (about 80%)

Concern the patient’s response, but management is not appropriate

Recognize the abnormal signs, but explanation of causes is 80% correct

less than 80% of correct physical examination

Appear not to know which data is important

No response to the patient’s concerns or provide the incorrect intervention

Not do

Patient education

Explain patient condition

Very appropriate and understandable wording

Concern all important data

Appropriate and understandable wording

Concern about 80% of important data

Concern few important data (<80%)

Incorrect explanation

Not do

History inquire

History taking (including disease, medicine, allergy, operation, family health, special dietary, religion)

Complete history taking

Clear and structured wording

About 80% history taking

Clear and appropriate wording

Incomplete history taking (<80%)

Unclear/ inappropriate wording

Not do


Communication with the patient

Communication in the team

Communicate effectively

Check for understanding

Successful and clear direction to team

More open-ended questions used

Generally communicate well, but partly successful (about 80%)

Clear direction to team

Few open-ended questions used

Ineffective commutation (<80% understandable)

Unclear direction to team

No open-ended question

Total score