
f non-dimensional steam function

g acceleration due to gravity

Grx Grash of number

Rex Local Reynolds number

Cf skin friction coefficient

Sf non-dimensional velocity slip parameter

ST non-dimensional thermal slip parameter

N0 velocity slip factor

K0 thermal slip factor

Nu Local Nusselt number

Pr Prandtl number

V the linear (translational) fluid velocity vector

T temperature

u, v non-dimensional velocity components along the x- and y-directions, respectively

x stream wise coordinate

y transverse coordinate

Greek symbols

thermal diffusivity

the non-Newtonian Casson parameter

W The coefficient of thermal expansion

The dimensionless transverse coordinate

Dynamic viscosity

Kinematic viscosity

Non-dimensional temperature


The electrical conductivity

The dimensionless steam wise


Dimensionless stream function


w conditions on the wall

free stream conditions