
85% human consumption (132.3 m/t)

15% (23.9 m/t) flours fabrications and fish oil

46% of human consumption was alive and fresh fish.


2011 Exportations (equivalent in alive weight)

38% = 129 595 million dollars (17.1 more than 2010)

2011 Importations (equivalent in alive weight)

129, 805 million dollars (16.8% from 2010)

Main importing countries (2011)

74% in value of developed countries

USA and Japan 27%

EU 38% (if interregional trade is excluded then decreases to 25%, even then the EU is the world’s larger importer)

Main exporting countries

China, Norway, Thailand and Vietnam

The developing countries represent an important role due to the ten main countries get 76% of value.

Developing countries and Fishing trade

It represented the 53% respect to the value and 60% in terms of quantity.

Net exports without considering importations increased to 34,500 million dollars in 2011

Main products traded internationally

Shrimp: 15% in value terms

Salmon and trout: 14%

Bottom species 9% (Hake, coddfish, haddock, and Alaska Pollock)

Tuna: 8%

Fish flour: 3%

Fish oil: 1%

Consumption and feeding

2010 = 18.9 kgs per capita

2011 = up to 19 kgs per capita