

§ Some professional visitors of trade show may attend the consumer show as well, hence a great boost to on-site selling of consumer show;

§ Helps to prompt the interchange and industry amalgamation. Generally speaking, those industries involved in consumer show have greater potential to infiltrate and amalgamate with other industries.

The negotiation environment could be ruined: the crowd of non-professional visitors may lead to a mess, making the trade show part also noisy and crowded, and consequently diminishing the exhibition’s value for exhibitors and professional visitors.

§ It may raise the exhibitor’s operational cost: the exhibitors are busy with reception of both professional visitors and non-professional ones, which means more work and higher cost in operation.

§ Limited flow between trade show and consumer show: the trade show part and consumer show part may be separated into two exhibitions and lack interchange, which will diminish the exhibition’s value, and affect the exhibition brand.